Program committee

Alessio MansuttiIMDEA Software Institute
Amir Kafshdar Goharshady chairUniversity of Oxford
Amy NejatiNewcastle University
Andreas LööwImperial College London
Andreas PavlogiannisAarhus University
Andrew RyzhikovUniversity of Warsaw
Ashutosh GuptaIIT Bombay
Basile PesinEcole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC)
Benedikt BolligENS Paris-Saclay / CNRS
Bohua ZhanInstitute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chenglin WangThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Christian SchillingAalborg University
Christoph Haase chairUniversity of Oxford
Dariusz BiernackiUniversity of Wrocław
Đorđe ŽikelićSingapore Management University
Georg WeissenbacherTU Wien
Guannan WeiInria/ENS; Tufts University
Guillaume DupontIRIT
Guillermo A. PerezUniversity of Antwerp, Flanders Make, Belgium
Guy AmirCornell University
Harshit MotwaniMPI-SWS
Hongfei FuShanghai Jiao Tong University
Hossein HojjatTehran Institute of Advanced Studies
Jie AnInstitute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Kaushik MallikIMDEA Software Institute
Liqian ChenNational University of Defense Technology
Luca ArnaboldiUniversity of Birmingham
Luca GeattiUniversity of Udine
Lukáš HolíkBrno University of Technology
Martin BergerUniversity of Sussex
Michael BlondinUniversité de Sherbrooke
Mikhail StarchakSaint Petersburg State University
Minghao LiuUniversity of Oxford
Mirco GiacobbeUniversity of Birmingham
Naijun ZhanInstitute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Nisansala YatapanageThe Australian National University
Pascal FontaineUniversité de Liège
Qinxiang CaoShanghai Jiao Tong University
R GovindUppsala University
Rajarshi RoyUniversity of Oxford
S. AkshayIIT Bombay
Supratik ChakrabortyIIT Bombay
Syifa'ul MufidInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Taro SekiyamaNational Institute of Informatics
Timothy BourkeInria/ENS
Umang MathurNational University of Singapore